

I've started this blog pushed by my girlfriend which believes my pictures have "something to say!"...and since women know better, I had just to trust her!

I do not consider myself a photographer -  I'd like to specify this - and I do not consider my pictures even close to professional pictures. I do like to say that I 'fix moments on film'. I capture memories that, maybe in future, will be useful to me to remember happy or less happy events of my life.
This actually is the main reason why I've started taking pictures, when I realized that I didn't have any framed instants [or a very limited amount!] of the 3 years I've been living in Amsterdam....

Moreover, photography is always been a family passion; my dad had 3 or 4 cameras and was used to develop as well his pictures. I cannot remember my grandfather once without a camera in his hands taking pictures of anything...literally!  [once he took a snap of a cat shit leaning on a shrub! O_o ]
Than, once my dad came over for a visit and brought  with him his all time favorite toy, ASAHI PENTAX SPII [1975c.a.], I made sure he left it in my trusted hands! ^_^

Than, I got myself a NIKON FM2 and those are the main author of the pics you can find on my '35mm Of Memories'.

Another reason of this blog was to have the opportunity to hear feedback also from others around that might share the same passion or might have more professional experience in order to improve my snapping skills.
So...don't be shy and leave a comment!

Hope You'll Enjoy...



As you can see the blog and the material featured in it has been protected under CREATIVE COMMONS Licensing for two main reasons
a] I support Creative Commons;
b] Someone already took my pictures and used for his own purpose without any kind of permission 

and I think you'd all agree it is NOT fair!!

Creative Commons License